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Wartime vs. Peacetime Executive Playbook

Instagram in 2009, Uber in 2009, Apple 2001....just a few of the companies that started during an economic crisis.

We're sharing an executive playbook that covers some key topics in actions that executives like you are utilizing to drive not only recovery but positioning their teams for growth.

As an example, pages 22-28 cover key details on plays that executives are taking to generate competitive advantages. One such method, TIGER TEAMS! Some brief points from the piece are below:


  • Now more than ever, leaders must develop and implement new ways to grow, adapt, and survive.

  • The old paradigm of corporate hierarchy and box-stick org. charts to denote who makes what decisions is outdated.

  • Leaders have an opportunity to shift the way things get done and leverage the brightest minds internally and externally to achieve this shift.

  • Tiger Teams are cross-functional teams that take on a circle-like shape and are formed to solve challenges in an organization.

  • Tiger Teams give leaders leverage and employees the opportunity to adopt the 80/20 rule where 80% of their time is spent on standard tasks and 20% is spent on special projects.

  • Being part of a Tiger Team empowers employees, giving them agency over themselves and their work. Plus, team members become more agile and connected, leading to expanded circles of influence.

  • By tapping the creative minds of the team, you can accomplish more and at an accelerated pace, ultimately leading to higher levels of engagement and performance. DEFINING TIGER TEAMS What Are Tiger Teams?

  • Cross-functional, laser-focused, highly impactful, multi-dimensional teams designed to adapt your organization to a new set of conditions.

  • Think of Tiger Teams as the “special teams” to support your offensive and defensive strategies with the singular mission to keep your company buoyant during turbulent times.

Learn more about the playbook via the attachment/link below and let us know at M. Allen LLC via what else we can do to assist in your road to recovery!


Matt Slonaker

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