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Predicting. Acting. Helping Manage the Default Risk of 2021!

As a 28 year veteran within the mortgage industry, I'm familiar with the pains of managing a non-performing asset portfolio. As I have just completed recording some introduction videos for Speridian Technologies Delinkure solution. I'm looking forward to helping my colleagues and clients with managing the expected increase of NPLs we expect to hit next year.

Delinkure is a comprehensive analytical solution with default prediction models, based on Machine Learning (ML), and rules-based workflow for Early Resolution and Loss Mitigation. Delinkure helps servicers and investors identify delinquency prone loans early in the process, assists in recovery, and management of Non-Performing Assets.

I've attached additional collateral summary information and look forward to discussing how this solution can help my servicing and investor colleagues in keeping more loans performing and borrowers in their homes!

For additional information, please send me an email to

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