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Customer Success, Sales Prospecting & Sales Operations Have the Largest Gaps...

Productive quarter and year thus far. As I was on the plane traveling back home last week, I took some time to reflect on key themes that I've discovered during my journey at M. Allen (providing management consulting services to the financial services). Key themes or trends revealed:

1) The CEO and the Head of Revenue or Sales are rarely on the same page. Specifically, how they see the market landscape, the customer journey, the sales team's performance, etc.

2) Regardless of team or revenue target, account segmentation, buyer personas, customer success, talent strategy and sales process are lacking (especially for the digital sales motion that our B2B buyers now seek).

3) Excuses run rampant and the larger the team the more blurred accountability lines become.

To demonstrate this with some data, I'm providing a YTD view on how executives and team we have worked with or held diagnostic introduction calls with are seeing or viewing their performance on the following:

How are you planning on addressing your revenue or sales gaps for the rest of 2021? Check out our previous blog piece related to second half of 2021 revenue leadership here:

If you have interest in discussing our diagnostic and/or bounce some ideas of us, ping me at and I'll we'll jump on a call or video conference to discuss your unique situation in more detail.

Remember this: "If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start." - Charles Bukowski

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